No matter what stage of life you are in or where you find yourself on ‘The Path’, there is a constant need to move forward. We are on a continuum; an escalator we cannot get off. Where the frustration lies is in the fact that this escalator is not always moving forward, or up, or linearly, or logically. Even if we gain control of one area of our life, another piece goes waddling off in a totally different, unwanted direction. Life is a ride and each day we are faced with new decisions, choices, and challenges that complicate ‘The Path’. Hardships are guaranteed.
The good news is there are actually two things you can count on while on the roller coaster: change and loss. Change is constant. Seasons change, the world is changing on its’ axis, and light comes and goes. Not changing is not natural. There is a guarantee you will lose and/or experience loss at some point. You will make mistakes. Everyone has to deal with adversity. Everyone's existence contains challenges, disappointments, frustration, and failed expectations. Everyone experiences setbacks.
But, none of us, not even those who have what they want, or are the most successful, or experience daily happiness, find life 100 percent easy. Just as your body experiences pain as it grows and ages, your mind also has growing pains as you strive to be the best version of yourself.
So how do we remain happy with constant change? How do we win at life, even when we are susceptible to unwelcome or undesirable curve balls? How do we manage the pain? How do we live the life we want every day?
The secret is mental training. The secret is committing to self-care. The first and last relationship we have is with ourselves. The mind is central to our lives and yet, day-to-day it is easy to take for granted. Maintenance of the mind is a necessity for growth. And the essence of greatness, success, and reaching optimal potential is continual improvement. Progress every day toward what we want and how we want to be as well as even who we want to be is the only way to reap results.
To get what we want, we must reset our routines, switch up our frame of mind, and set our sights on specific goals that align with our values, beliefs, and purpose. We have to push through the distractions that are always there to impede our efforts. Those distractions aren't going anywhere. We waste time and energy due to a lack of self-discipline. Through self-discipline, we master our mind and thoughts and embark on a newfound sense of freedom. With mental training and personal coaching, we can learn and implement the skills needed to tackle distraction and achieve our goals.
The Association for Talent Development (ATD) found the following statistics in regards to the probability of completing a goal if: